1. General Terms and conditions of PNB Print

1.1. All quotations are based on Customer written inquiry. The Customer sends written inquiry by e-mail. Any corrections are agreed with the Customer by email. After receiving the price offer, the Customer is invited to read the offer carefully, before any further work proceeds.
1.2. Quotation is valid if the Order is placed and Order Confirmation for the corresponding order is signed by PNB print and Customer within 30 days from quotation date.
1.3. After paragraph 1.2. expires PNB print has a right to re-estimate the prices and issue a new price offer. Prices do not include VAT.
1.4. Paper and other material ordering should be coordinated 5 weeks prior to the file upload date!
1.5. The quoted price and delivery dates will be subject to changes if the Customer changes the specifications after receiving the first offer.

2. Placing orders

2.1. The Customer shall place the order in writing, giving all the specifications of the job, the exact run, time for file delivery and the expected delivery time of finished products.
2.2. Order is accepted only when the PNB print has sent back the order confirmation and it is signed by Customer.
2.3. If the Customer changes any materials or specifications after the order has been confirmed and signed, the P&B print has the rights to demand payment for the ordered materials and revise the price according to the changed specifications. All before agreed production dates will be changed by PNB print.
2.4. In case if Customer wishes to visit print start, the Customer acknowledges that the production schedule and the price of the order will be revised. All reasonable costs for equipment downtime will be charged to the Customer. If the total time spent on printing exceeds the standard process time by 10%, the Customer will be charged for extra time spend on project.
2.5. PNB print reserves the right to suspend printing and to offer the Customer a different production date if the customer wishes to change the files during printing.
2.6. If the Customer is not a tax payer in his home country or if he has not provided the tax payer’s registration number, the PNB print will tax his products with 21% VAT according to the Latvia laws.
2.7. If the Customer agrees on Order Confirmation (OC) and PNB print have ordered the paper, but the order is cancelled by the Customer, then the Customer must pay for the purchased paper. If the paper for the Customer is stored more than 1 month in PNB print premises, PNB print will charge the fee for the storage.
2.8. If the Customer delays the file delivery, a new delivery date of products will have to be agreed upon. If the late file delivery can be compensated by P&B Print employees’ overtime, then the Client will be charged for this overtime with his prior written consent received by email from the first and after will be sent by post to PNB Print legal address Jansili, Silakrogs, Ropazu district, LV-2133
2.9. If the Customer delays the files or postpones the project for more than 14 days after it has been confirmed by the PNB print the Customer shall pay for all the ordered materials, and storage space, if no other agreement can be reached.
2.10. If the Customer delays file approval more than 12 hours from the date and time which is on the OC then PNB print has the right to give new production dates and the Customer shall pay for production replanning and project rescheduling.
2.11. If the Customer informs PNB print 7 days before file uploading date that files will not be on time, PNB print will offer another production date more close to previous.
2.12. If the Customer delays new file approval date which has been agreed based on 2.11 then PNB print has the right to give to the Customer a new production date which is equivalent to the date which are given to new project opening at that time.
2.13. The Customer will be charged extra if he requires another set of blue – prints or colour proofs if that has not been included in the first price offer.
2.14. PNB print reserves the right to change product prices and production dates if the Customer-submitted files do not meet the product specification and exceed the ISO standard.
2.15. If the Customer has ordered a one colour job not specifying the ink colour, then PNB print expects this colour to be black. If after receiving the files the colour turns out to be any other than ordinary black, then PNB print will change the price accordingly.
2.16. The PNB print shall do his utmost to produce products on urgent request, if the Customer agrees to the offered available material choice and coverage of extra overtime or any other costs related to the urgency of the order.

3. File delivery

3.1. All the price offers are based on ready-for-print PDF files (see the web page for instructions on making PDF files) (Link to document)
3.2. If the Customer has provided files, which do not correspond to the PNB print requirements (Link to document) then PNB print can do the necessary changes prior agreement for extra costs. Minor technical imperfections not exceeding 1 hour’s work will be charged without contacting Customer and extra costs will be added to the invoice.
3.3. If there are elements in RGB and the Customer has asked for automatic conversion to CMYK, then P&B print holds no responsibility for the colour conformity of the converted images.
3.4. If the quality of the delivered files does not correspond to the PNB print requirements (Link to document) then PNB print bears no responsibility for the outcome of printing.
3.5. After receiving the files, the PNB print will send digital softproofs via internet to the Customer if not agreed otherwise. The Customer must check the materials and approve them in writing by e-mail.
3.6. If the Customer decides not to make corrections by himself and gives all instructions to PNB print to make the correction in writing and will be charged extra at an hourly rate and Client will be informed for all expenses by email.
3.7. The Customer will approve all changes which were done by PNB print in a new softproof.
3.8. If the Customer has not ordered a colour proof but has provided a previously printed copy or his own colour proof as a print production sample, the PNB print will try to match the sample as close as possible but cannot guarantee an exact result due to possible different technologies, ICC profiles and materials used in the processes.
3.9. If the Customer requires a test print before the main run, this will be regarded as a separate order and charged accordingly.

4. Client’s property and electronic storage

4.1. Discs and any other form of material supplied by the Customer shall remain the property of the Customer and unless otherwise instructed in writing, shall be returned to the Customer after the order has been completed.
4.2. The PNB print liability for this property will not exceed the amount recoverable from postage insurance. Additional insurance coverage may be obtained if the Customer has asked for it in writing and has covered the extra costs.
4.3. If after corrections the Customer asks the PNB print to duplicate the last version of the files or store the material for further reprints, the PNB print will keep files and shall have the right to charge for the service.
4.4. PNB print stores customer files up to 6 months from the first print run.

5. Material stock

5.1. All paper or any other raw materials supplied by the Customer for the production of the Clients work shall be subject to a charge for handling and storage by the PNB print according to the prior agreement.
5.2. P&B print has the rights to refuse to accept materials sent by the Customer. If the material is from a supplier that is not a PNB print approved supplier and the material does not match the selected project or quality.
5.3. Any changes to the Customer’s choice of materials, or quantity shall be accepted no later than 5 weeks prior to the date of file uploading.

6. Printing process

6.1. Printing is usually done with standard ink densities and total ink coverage advised by material and equipment suppliers. Printing process is regulated by PNB print rules of prepress (Link to document)
6.2. Any deviation from the approved colour proof which the Customer would like to achieve being present at the printing process and which involve press down time, will be charged additionally to the Client.
6.3. If PNB print has to stop the press and wait for Customer instructions then this standstill will be charged additionally to the Customer.
6.4. Suspension of any work on Customer instructions for a period of 14 days or more shall entitle the PNB print to payment in full for materials and work, storage in progress at the time of suspension. The PNB Print shall revise the production schedule and the quotation for the uncompleted part of the order before proceeding.
6.5. If the Customer delivers any special items to be included in or used for the production of the job, the PNB print will accept the consignment as per provided delivery documents and will not be responsible for the actual number of items delivered.
6.6. The Printer will make every effort to deliver the quantity specified.
           All quotations however are based upon a margin of +/-.
           ±4% for runs 20 000pcs, but not bigger than 400 pcs
           ±2% for runs 20000pcs up to 50 000pcs but not bigger than 500pcs
           ±1% for runs bigger than 50 000pc.
6.7. The invoice will be raised for the actual amounts of products delivered.

7. Subcontracting

7.1. PNB print has the right to subcontract unless the Customer specifically restricts it. The PNB print shall be responsible for the quality of the subcontracted work the same as for his own performance.
7.2. P&B print uses only its approved external suppliers. PNB print does not take responsibility for the outcome of the project if the outsourcer is not a PNB print approved supplier/printing house.
7.3. PNB reserves the right not to accept customer-supplied material if it does not meet the PNB print quality requirements.

8. Complaints

8.1. Any complaints shall be made in writing within 14 days after receipt of products. After this time no claims will be accepted.

9. Delivery

9.1. Unless otherwise specified, the delivery to one address for single shipment is included in the price offer. The delivery terms are DAP.
9.2. If the delivery specifications are changed, the PNB print will charge accordingly at current rates.
9.3. The Customer shall provide the delivery address at least one week before the shipment. In case of delay, the PNB print cannot guarantee arrangements for transport to meet the delivery dead-line.
9.4. Should urgent delivery be agreed to, all related costs shall be an additional charge.

10. Payment Terms

10.1 Unless otherwise agreed between the PNB print and the Customer, payment of the PNB print account is due in 30 days after the invoice date. Any costs incurred in the collection of debt from the Customer will be at the Client’s expense.
10.2 After due day, a request interest of 0.5% rate per day for every day of delay is charged.
10.3 The PNB print has the right to apply factoring services for collecting Customer payments.

11. Force Majeure

11.1. Neither Party shall be liable for full or partial non-fulfilment of its obligations if such non- fulfilment was caused by effect of Force Majeure circumstances, which the Parties could not have foreseen, prevented nor influenced and occurrence of which was outside the control of the parties.

12. Settlements of Disputes

12.1. All disputes between the Parties related to the Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations, but if an agreement is not reached, the dispute shall be submitted at the claimant’s choice either to the Court of Arbitration of the Association of Commercial Banks of Latvia in Riga (united registration No. 40003746396 in the Register of arbitration courts) or to the Riga arbitration court of commercial disputes in Riga (united registration No. 40003758338  in the Register of arbitration courts), and examined in accordance with the Regulation of the relevant Arbitration Court by one arbitrator. Interpretation of the provisions of the Agreement and the mutual relations arising out of the Agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia.